171 research outputs found

    Gossip and Distributed Kalman Filtering: Weak Consensus under Weak Detectability

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    The paper presents the gossip interactive Kalman filter (GIKF) for distributed Kalman filtering for networked systems and sensor networks, where inter-sensor communication and observations occur at the same time-scale. The communication among sensors is random; each sensor occasionally exchanges its filtering state information with a neighbor depending on the availability of the appropriate network link. We show that under a weak distributed detectability condition: 1. the GIKF error process remains stochastically bounded, irrespective of the instability properties of the random process dynamics; and 2. the network achieves \emph{weak consensus}, i.e., the conditional estimation error covariance at a (uniformly) randomly selected sensor converges in distribution to a unique invariant measure on the space of positive semi-definite matrices (independent of the initial state.) To prove these results, we interpret the filtered states (estimates and error covariances) at each node in the GIKF as stochastic particles with local interactions. We analyze the asymptotic properties of the error process by studying as a random dynamical system the associated switched (random) Riccati equation, the switching being dictated by a non-stationary Markov chain on the network graph.Comment: Submitted to the IEEE Transactions, 30 pages

    Convergence Rate Analysis of Distributed Gossip (Linear Parameter) Estimation: Fundamental Limits and Tradeoffs

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    The paper considers gossip distributed estimation of a (static) distributed random field (a.k.a., large scale unknown parameter vector) observed by sparsely interconnected sensors, each of which only observes a small fraction of the field. We consider linear distributed estimators whose structure combines the information \emph{flow} among sensors (the \emph{consensus} term resulting from the local gossiping exchange among sensors when they are able to communicate) and the information \emph{gathering} measured by the sensors (the \emph{sensing} or \emph{innovations} term.) This leads to mixed time scale algorithms--one time scale associated with the consensus and the other with the innovations. The paper establishes a distributed observability condition (global observability plus mean connectedness) under which the distributed estimates are consistent and asymptotically normal. We introduce the distributed notion equivalent to the (centralized) Fisher information rate, which is a bound on the mean square error reduction rate of any distributed estimator; we show that under the appropriate modeling and structural network communication conditions (gossip protocol) the distributed gossip estimator attains this distributed Fisher information rate, asymptotically achieving the performance of the optimal centralized estimator. Finally, we study the behavior of the distributed gossip estimator when the measurements fade (noise variance grows) with time; in particular, we consider the maximum rate at which the noise variance can grow and still the distributed estimator being consistent, by showing that, as long as the centralized estimator is consistent, the distributed estimator remains consistent.Comment: Submitted for publication, 30 page

    On Robustness Properties in Empirical Centroid Fictitious Play

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    Empirical Centroid Fictitious Play (ECFP) is a generalization of the well-known Fictitious Play (FP) algorithm designed for implementation in large-scale games. In ECFP, the set of players is subdivided into equivalence classes with players in the same class possessing similar properties. Players choose a next-stage action by tracking and responding to aggregate statistics related to each equivalence class. This setup alleviates the difficult task of tracking and responding to the statistical behavior of every individual player, as is the case in traditional FP. Aside from ECFP, many useful modifications have been proposed to classical FP, e.g., rules allowing for network-based implementation, increased computational efficiency, and stronger forms of learning. Such modifications tend to be of great practical value; however, their effectiveness relies heavily on two fundamental properties of FP: robustness to alterations in the empirical distribution step size process, and robustness to best-response perturbations. The main contribution of the paper is to show that similar robustness properties also hold for the ECFP algorithm. This result serves as a first step in enabling practical modifications to ECFP, similar to those already developed for FP.Comment: Submitted for publication. Initial Submission: Mar. 201
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